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Get Involved ì°¸ì—¬í•˜ë‹¤ cham-yeohada

​Make the first move.


Ask the international students to hang out, maybe get a coffee or lunch or even study together. They want to make new friends but sometimes just don’t know how to go about it.

Join a club or organization.


The Korean Language and Culture Club (KLC) was formed by Professor Son Hyun Young as a way for all students to come and experience the Korean culture together. During spring and fall semester there’s a meeting every Monday night at 6:30 and anyone can come and hang out with the diverse group of students. You don’t have to be Korean or speak the language to join.


It’s an open space for everyone to talk about what they like or want to learn about the culture. Some students speak Korean better than English and some speak English better than Korean but that doesn’t stop anyone from making new friends. It’s a great way to meet people. The club always has something going on to get people involved and attracts new comers often.

Events ì¢…목 jongmog

  • Kpop Party- anyone can sign up and perform at the party. Many dress up and dance or sing to kpop or traditional Korean music. 


  • Korean Festival- Korean themed festival held in April at Keisel Park. There are booths set up offering Korean food, how to write your name in hangul, and even displaying hanbok, traditional dress.


  • Café Korea- Coffee is a bit of staple in Korea so the club sets up coffee stations and people can sing karaoke.


  • Korean Cooking Class- In April, classes are taught on how to cook some popular Korean dishes like tteokbokki and gimbap.


  • Kakaotalk- this is an app very well known in Asian society because this is how teenagers communicate. It’s basically their version of text messaging.


  • Traditional Korean music performances- for any that are interested in the traditional music there are performances by students in Goodwin Hall.  Click on the box below to listen to a traditional Korean song played with a gayageum (가야금).





  • Activities on Cater Lawn (water balloon fights, relay races, silly string tag, bring your pets)- KLC makes sure to host events where everyone can come and just hang out and get to know each other.


  • Going out to eat together- After Monday night meetings, many of the students in KLC go out and eat dinner together whether on campus or at Jin Korean Restaurant.


  • Having game nights and snacks- near finals, the club gets together for a night of board games and Korean inspired snacks.

Darha Nopigom - Byungki Hwang
00:00 / 00:00


One way to really get involved with the Korean culture is to take a class on the language. Korean language classes are definitely becoming more popular due to the K-wave. The K-wave refers to the global phenomenon happening right now where teens are being influenced by South Korean pop music and television dramas.  


Kpop is known for catchy tunes and having music videos with cool cinematographic effects. Here is a list of male and female kpop groups to check out and see for yourself. 

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